What do you want to find out?
Record and keep track of all of your tax-deductible vehicle-related expenses.
NOTE: Expense tracking is only available for vehicles using the Actual Expenses Method as their calculation basis.
You can find the Vehicle Expenses screen via the Add new trip screen, by tapping the money icon.
Press the red ‘+’ icon in the bottom right corner to add an expense.
Select the date of the expense –> Select the type of expense –> Enter the $ amount –> Upload a file as supporting documentation (not required) –> Click the Save button.
Available expenses to choose from:
- Garage rent
- Interest on vehicle
- Lease / rental fees
- Oil
- Parking fee
- Property taxes
- Registration / license fees
- Repairs and maintenance
- Tires
- Toll
- Vehicle insurance
- Other expenses
Your recorded expenses will appear as an expense report at the bottom of your finalized IRS-Proof mileage log.