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Note: When using the Standard Mileage Rate, missing mileage (difference between your monthly miles logged and max. drivable distance) will automatically be counted as personal miles. This means that you will still be able to print out your IRS-proof mileage log even if the monthly miles logged and max. drivable distance don’t match. 

In Calendar View

Finalize your selected month by modifying trips and other relevant data (e.g odometer readings). After the necessary adjustments have been made, the “Monthly miles logged / max. drivable distance” should match.   

In List View

You can switch to List view by clicking the  button in the Useful tools menu!

Finalize your selected month by modifying trips and other relevant data (e.g odometer readings). After the necessary adjustments have been made, the “Monthly miles logged / max. drivable distance” should match.   

You can now proceed to create the mileage log by clicking on the Print IRS-proof mileage log tab!

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